
Defiant Gaming

Valorant | PC | France

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Take the organisation to the pro league

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Hello, My name is Dakota or alias is Dorcha. I am an owner of an organization called Defiant Gaming and we are currently looking to build a Valorant team of talented and good vibe individulals to compete at the highest level for the esports scene in Valorant. We are currently looking for people with lots of experience in pc esports scene prior to this game such as Rainbow 6 Siege or CS:GO. If you dont have that kind of experince that is okay but is much preferred as well as showing good display of skill in this game as in getting Diamond rank in the games ranked player during the beta. The main goal is for the team to go into the pro league and compete at the highest level so looking for dedicated players ready to put in long hours to be the best individually and as a team so if interested please message me for more info! You can message us on twitter @DGDefiant, we look forward to hearing from you! Thank you very much for reading this message.

-Owner Dorcha


  • Dedication and Passion to go pro


  • Fatal Grips

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