

PC | Royaume-Uni

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Welcome to the REBORN Gaming Community! Our Clan Tag: RBN

Here we aim to make everyone feel welcome in a place free of toxicity. Providing a safe haven for all gamers of all levels and background to escape to and have fun. Our pack is always here for you and will never ever leave you alone.

We accept all members 16+, however, we do have mature themes present and it will not be kept pg in here. Staff will not warn for swearing or using mature themes however no NFSW content whatsoever, you have been warned.

Alone you are strong, but together we are unstoppable

~ Here we have all types of areas available, casual gaming for people who want to slow down and have fun with friends or a competitive scene for those who enjoy being on the front lines of the pack! Our mature policy states we are a mature server for mature people. Meaning swearing is allowed however using it for insults or toxic play is not allowed! Please also keep in mind we are open to all but there will be mature themes across the board We hope you enjoy your stay here and welcome to the pack!

1) Respecting Eachother And Our Staff - Please remember we are all human here. What you say does have an impact on others just like it would in real life. Please respect the decisions the staff make as they are here to help not to target.

2) Watch What You Say - No harassment, discrimination, racism or abuse of any kind. This includes slurs of all kinds, homo/transphobia, etc. There is zero tolerance for this, a permanent ban will occur the moment Staff become aware and is also against Discord TOS

3) Discord TOS - Follow Discord's ToS. Anything that is against Discord's Terms of Service is also against the rules here, such as self-botting, DM advertising, or being under the age of 16. These actions will lead to a ban from this server, and could potentially lead to a ban from Discord as well.

4) Self Promotion - You are only allowed to self promote after you apply and accepted. If found to be self promoting without permission you will be banned! This will change when content creators have been established

5) No Toxicity - If a member of staff catches you being toxic, they have the right to ban you from this community. Toxicity includes calling members names, using words intended to hurt or discriminate, Using slurs in a bad way. If also caught trying to hush a member or trying to find a loophole, staff have full right to ban as they see fit

* Have Fun! - Finally, Have fun! Let's keep building a beautiful community together! Any issues please do not hesitate to contact the staff members.

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