Apex Legends


Gadifele Legwai | 19 ans

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Being a pro esports/casual player

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I am writing to express my interest in the position within the Seek Team. I am currently a casual player concentrating in being a pro esports

My experience in aligning the motivations of various stakeholders and executing projects in high-stress situations has helped me to foster a strong skill set that will translate well in a a Esports role. I am eager to apply the lessons I’ve learned in gaming to improving clinical quality and the experience within the gaming community.

I believe that the combination of my academic and professional experiences has provided me with the organizational, interpersonal and analytical skills that will enable me to make a significant contribution to the Team thato will enroll me. Enclosed please find a copy of my resume, which provides additional information on my background and work experience. Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.


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