Apex Legends


Dario Subotić | 26 ans

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My ambitions for now are to find team to play scrims and try to be as good as i can.
My ambitions for future are high. And by high i mean to hit stage where i can call myself a Pro Gamer and play big tournaments.

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My name is Dario and i live in Croatia. I'm 23 years old. I play Apex Legends for most of my time. Started to play in season 5. My biggest rank was Platinum IV this season before split. The reason why is that my biggest rank in game because before this season i didn't play ranked very much because i was playing solo without team but i decided to give it try this season and hit Platinum IV. I have 1 milion + damage dealt, average damage is 289 per match. Have 2500+ kills with kdr 0.89 and this season only my kdr is 1.20 with almost 1000 kills. I like team play and when i have a good IGL, good comms love to talk to my team and give advices but i think for myself that i'm not still at level to be IGL. I'm non toxic player who likes to get hit by critics (positive critics) that can help to team and me individual. My main is Octaine with 1100+ kills and almost 500.000 damage. Currently at 423 level in game.


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