Apex Legends

Dr SynisteR

Dan | 26 ans

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Win, win, & win. And get better, grind never stops. I am tired of playing with potato-head teammates and my back is killing me from years of carrying.

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Studying electrical engineering in university, but my passion resides in competitive FPS games. Been playing call of duty since middle school, and that is what spurred my competitive edge. It has taken me years to get better at FPS games; MW3 was the first title I owned and played (K/D ~1.00) then played BO2 (K/D ~1.50). Ghosts is where I started getting serious about winning and getting a lot better (K/D ~2.50). The next title I played was BO3, and grinded for dark matter camo and hero armors (K/D ~2.30). I played IW a little bit (K/D ~2.40) but I did not enjoy it; MWR was my game -and still is now- and unlocked exclusion zone camo (K/D ~2.20). Have not had any desire to play recent COD titles (for now).

My gaming extends to Apex Legends (which is the game I play these days), and Clash Royale. Played Apex back in season 1, then stopped and returned at the start of season 3. I am a crypto main, 3k+ highest damage, 100+ wins, 1.90 K/D. Clash Royale (api tag: LVL0C0UL) I have a 6.3k PB, 242 War Day wins and a high win %.


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