Apex Legends

IG Clayto_AL ナイシー

Maciej | 28 ans

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Player Player
Movie maker Movie maker
Squad Squad
Webdesigner Webdesigner
Editor Editor


- Rank up to Master and Predator
- Become a professional and recognizable player and team
- Create intresting content
- Have fun with while playing with the team

Experiences online

  • Lifetime kills: 14k+
  • Lifetime highest rank: Diamond II
  • Mirage kills: 3,5k+
  • Octane kills: 2,8k+
  • Design for content creators
  • Video editing

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Hi! I am 25 years old Apex Player from Poland. I've been playing this game since it came out in 2019. My main characters are Mirage (3,5k+ kills) and Octane (2,8k+ kills) but I can play all legends depending of my mood. My highest all time rank is Diamond II. Lifetime kills: 14k+. I am searching for team in Europe to create content on social media, rank up and of course to have fun. Besides I am professional graphic designer so I can create logos, twitch overlays, video edits etc. for the team. Please leave me message if you are intrested of level up together or just need designer/editor to your team.


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Ce joueur n'est plus disponible pour être recruté

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