Apex Legends


Gaven | 30 ans

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Strat caller Strat caller


Would like to IGL or co-IGL
Gain experience in online tourneys/LANS
Become the best.

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I have not competed in a apex tournament to date but I have been playing the game since release (started on Xbox and switched to pc season 8) I am a very competitive person in general. I play the game solo EVERYDAY and make it to diamond every season playing with randoms but I’m now looking to connect with some other competitive gamers and take over the comp scene! I know it will be a journey learning playstyles of future teammates and strats as they will have to do the same with me but I find beauty in the process and I’m ready to work my butt off!! i wake up early EVERY day and get a good 5-6 hour grind in working on overall game sense and knowledge before i go to work then coming home to do 1-2 hours in AIMLABS, working on my mechanics as a controller player who plays without aim assist. i dont think alot of controller players understand that with a few months of practice you dont HAVE to have aim assist on to be a productive part of the team. I DO NOT claim to be the best but i know that i have the work ethic of someone who wants to be the best and im looking for an esports home that has the same passion and motivation to win.


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