Apex Legends


Ciaran | 27 ans

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Strat caller Strat caller


I hope to join a team looking to practice as much as possible together to compete in scrims and smaller tournaments.

Experiences online

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I have played Apex Legends since launch week, and have consistently placed Diamond in earlier seasons.

I reached Masters in S17 (lol who tf didn't) and currently am on the grind back to high diamond/masters again for S18.

My main legend is Catalyst - I am open to playing in a flexible role and I am willing to put in the hours to adapt to other legends for the sake of the comp. if required.

I have a good ring sense and try to place myself in game winning positions as soon as possible. Loot fast, move early and secure the POI/Godspot for final ring!

I enjoy playing both Anchor and IGL, guiding many of my friends and other players to late game top 3 shootouts on a regular basis.

I am always looking to learn and by no means am I the best player out there, but my aim is good and i'll always put in 110%.

- KZA.


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