Apex Legends

MrRecluse IV

Saige Wilson | 19 ans

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I am looking to push my K/D over 2 and reach masters. I want to evolve my movement on controller so I can possibly outplay opponents. I do want to also look to grow my Youtube and Twitch so people can see my gameplay and like who I am as a person.

Experiences online

  • Streaming
  • Content Creation
  • Editing Montages
  • Teamwork
  • Social Skills
  • Nice communication

Experiences offline

  • Social skills
  • Communicating with others
  • Working with a team.


Saige Wilson
Hello, I am Mr.Recluse or Saige Wilson and I am looking for a team to join and build a connection with teammates and build my communication skills as well. I am a 15 year old teenager which does mean I have school and cannot be active all the time but, I am active enough to be there for my team. The game I mainly play is Apex Legends with a 1.5 K/D that is steadily climbing at the moment. I have reached plat 3 as my highest rank and I am looking to push myself to masters rank. I hope that the things I have shared can persuade you to accept me into your squad.


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