Apex Legends


Paul Baber | 34 ans

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After hitting masters for the first time in Apex Legends Season 12 ranked split of Battle Royale, I am ready to take it to the next level by joining a team of like-minded players who want to compete with some of the best players in the world but who also have an interest in helping build a gaming community for other hard stuck players who simply want to get better at the game.

Experiences online

  • Gamers vs Cancer-Employer Sponsored Tournament for Apex Legends

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Name: Paul Baber
Age: 31
Platform: Xbox
Games: Apex Legends
Rank: Masters in Battle Royal

Stats & Legends:
Highest Damage Game = 3,610
Highest Kill Game = 13
KD = 1.0
Badges = 3K dmg badges on Bang, Life, & Wraith | 2.5K on Path & Ash | 2K on Blood, Oct, Gib, Mirage, Horizon, Seer, Valk, Loba & Wattson

Proudest Achievements:
1.) Hit S12 Masters Rank for the 1st time in BR with 30 days left in the 1st ranked split on Olympus
2.) Since Season 9, I've hit Diamond during at least 1 ranked split in BR.
3.) I am able to play any legend confidently for benefit of the squad to get the win.
4.) Over 2K Top 5 Finishes or 1/3rd of all BR games I have ever played in I've finished at least top 5

I like to main Bang but play a movement legend such as Wraith, Path or Valk if we need it for better survival of the squad or will run caustic for end game support/tanking. I was a previous lifeline main but after the nerf she isn't very useful in ranked battle royale in my opinion.

Apex BIO:
I'm currently a first time Master's Rank Player in Battle Royale, and will hit masters again in the 2nd ranked split on Kings Canyon before the season 12 ends.

It has been a real grind to hitting masters, and now I want to help others get to the same milestones.

I started playing Apex Legends during Season 2 but didn't get serious about the game until Season 5 after trying to take Ranked Battle Royale more seriously and getting to the rank of Platinum IV for the first time. I remember feeling so good about hitting this milestone and it really was the turning point for me in deciding to invest more time into the game after quickly realizing I needed to get better at the game as a whole.

I eventually made it Diamond IV for the first time in the 2nd ranked split of Season 9 and never looked back. Just like Platinum, hitting Diamond for the first time was even more satisfying, I felt so proud and then S10 & S11 came around.

Ended up hard stuck D4 for two straight seasons... it was brutal, I almost quit again but then I remembered the goal I set in S5, loved the feeling of hitting Plat and Diamond for the first time and just got back to it..

I spent time hitting the firing range, learning the map rotations, learning which legends to play that benefited the entire squad, etc. I would play pubs solo to get better at winning 1v1s/squad wipes for 2-3 rounds to warm up then I would spend countless hours grinding ranked, mostly solo que to learn from players who were a lot better than I was.

Personal BIO:
I'm a Dad, happily married, I like to pick heavy things up and put them back down aka a gym bro that works in IT, I have a Bachelor's degree in Business and I use my hard earned education, money & professional experience to get my wife angry by spending money on collecting Pokémon Cards or Apex Legends Coins :).


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