Apex Legends


Sam | 23 ans

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I think I have the potential to play professionally for an Apex Legends team. However, my main goal at this moment is to grow in the gaming community and sharpen my skills in Apex Legends.

Experiences online

  • 1. Ranked Apex Predator: I have played with and against the best of the best
  • 2. I am often the “Leader” of my squad. I often decide wether or not to engage in fights and where we should position.
  • 3. I play roughly 5 hours a day
  • 4. You have to play for the team
  • 5. Very good call outs
  • 6. Apex level: 335
  • 7. Dream Team rating: 9.47

Experiences offline

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My name is Sam, I am 18 years old and I love playing video games just like everyone else. Therefore, I would love to take my gaming career to the next level and join a competitive team that can help me grow in the gaming community.
I main pathfinder with around 2000 kills but I can also play Bangalore, Lifeline, Caustic, Watson, and Octane very well. I adjust my Legends to the team I am playing with and adapt to their play style to have the best opportunity at winning the game.
I’m ranked Apex Predator with 1012 RP. I have played with and against some of the best players that Apex Legends has to offer. I have learned to change my play style in order to outplay these talented players.
Apex Legends is all about playing as a team so I do my best to play for placement for the team verses playing for kills on my lonesome. I am also very good at leading the team and making crucial call outs.
I am willing to put in time for practice and meetings. I am available for scrims later in the day as well.
I will do all I can to make myself and my team better both in the game and out. Thank you!


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