Apex Legends


Jordon Alexander | 26 ans

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Hi, my name is Jordon Alexander and I'm a 26 year old man from Rochester, mn. I started playing video games at the age of 4 and have been in love with playing them ever since. I've played games like Cod black ops 1-3, cod modern warfare 1-3 throughout most of my life. These past few years I've been playing all of the major battle Royale games and am trying to become one of the best competitive players in the United States. That being said I've wanted to become a professional gamer for a long time because I truly love playing games, and making followers love my content and i believe I can really take a gaming org team to a higher level if I should get signed. I have a lot of great videos of how skilled I am in a variety of games and it would be a dream come true if I had the honor of sharing them with you guys. Thank you for reading this if you do , I hope I can get a opportunity to do this.


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