Apex Legends


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TeeJayy#22189 icon
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Strat caller Strat caller


My ambitions are to win, I am eager to get after a win in a tournament and prove to myself that I can compete at that next level of Apex. I constantly am watching Apex tournaments and studying pros and how they play. I am hungry to bring home a win and to be apart of a team that wants to win and is just as hungry as I am and has that drive and motivation to compete and play everyday. I think if I got this opportunity the team would be pleased with my performance, meaning making clutch plays, great callouts, consistent performance, and meshing with the team well and performing together as a group.

Experiences online

  • Z league tournaments

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


I have always always been eager to compete in Apex, I know I have the skills and game knowledge to compete just never have gotten the chance. I have solo qued to almost master multiple seasons hitting mid to high diamond multiple seasons in a row. I can IGL and I can slay I have multiple 20 kill badges and have great game sense. I have competed in other shooters such as Halo and CoD but have Apex has always been the fps I liked most. I can play pretty much any legend that is needed but in previous seasons I mained Valk and Bloodhound and sometimes Gibby and this last season I have been playing a lot of Seer. I think where I shine most is my composure, IGLing, and my aim, I can consistently fry and drop high damage and high kill games even at high ranks. Im available at all times for any practices or scrims and would be able to grind with the team non stop.


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