Apex Legends


Jadon Holland | 19 ans

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Player Player
Squad Squad
Community Manager Community Manager
Editor Editor


*I've always wanted to be in the esports scene
*I will always put school first
*I'm a great team player
*I have always loved video games and will never stop

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Hi there
I'm a semi- experienced Apex Player/ squad member. I main Wraith most of the time but if I have to, I will also play as blood hound. My level is 7 as i just started a couple days ago but I was kill leader and champion in the very few rounds I played.
You can recruit me as a bench warmer if you need an extra player on the team or if you need a team player who can call out damage done to an enemy, mark where better equipment is, call out strats on how to surprise the enemy team, or even to just find different free tournaments to get our name out there or tourneys with money prize pools, I can do all of that. I can also work as an editor to make very simple highlight reel videos for the team itself or even different team members I can do that as well.
I do want to focus on school and on family but I really am determined to make the esports team view of life amazing and import it into my lifestyle.


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