Apex Legends

woah dad

Dustin | 30 ans

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Player Player
Strat caller Strat caller
LAN Player LAN Player
Coach Coach


Make a LAN.
Maybe coach later in life.
Create a legacy.

Experiences online

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Hello, my name is Dustin, I am a 29 year old from BC, Canada.
My background in games started at a young age, with Playstation 1, my game boy, and cousin's PC for starcraft and halo 1.
As I got older my passion has only grown with me, from the beginning, following pro play in the days of Halo 3, and today watching tournaments and scrims in every region for both Apex and FN.
I have a very strong ability to communicate with anybody, blended with my experience, I often finding myself taking a role of teacher / mentor
when playing with others.
I mainly play Apex Legends and Fortnite, and stream both on Twitch.
Qualified for the second round of the first world cup in FN, hit champion multiple seasons in the old system, and hit Unreal in the new rank system. Participated in many tournaments, solo, duo, and trio. Have also spent a good amount of time creating maps for practice, which have turned out quite well.
Masters rank in Apex. No tournaments there yet, still trying to find a full team to participate with.


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