Apex Legends

XlMr HankeylX

Jackson Foster | 24 ans

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Strat caller Strat caller
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Community Manager Community Manager


I want to be the best i can get. I will put in the effort to do so financially and time wise. I want to be able to compete in tournaments one day rather than the few small prize pools I've won from smaller tournaments. I want a sense of community with a team where I can play as friends but when its go time, we are ready to put on a show.

Experiences online

  • Currently play for a rather large and somewhat popular team. Clicked many days on apex.

Experiences offline

  • Work at a hotel extremely good communication. Also in college but using summer to work and pursue apex


Hey! I currently play for a team called mystic @mysticteamofficial on ig! 29.5 k followers on there. They have focused a lot on Rocket league and fortnite and I'm ready for a change! My ig is mystic.slick. I am currently ranked in top 0.5% in nearly every category and top 1% in rest. I have an extremely good situational play mind and could be an asset to a team as a player or coach! I am especially good with a sniper and have some skills in trickshotting coming from mw3.


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