Battlefield 4


Michael Geller | 26 ans

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Streaming, Making content on Youtube, and Gaming in General. I love building computer, cars, tvs, and anything with tech.

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Ive been playing video games on xbox, playstation, and PC for over 13 years. My first FPS game was F.E.A.R, and the only reason I got to play it was because my dad had left, and I picked up the controller out of curiosity when I was around 8 or 9. From then I begged for an xbox 360 which had just released, and I was addicted to video games ever since. I played from the second I got home, to the second I was forced to go to bed. Being on a team is a long dream of mine, and with enough practice and dedication I know I can become one of the best. I look forward to hearing a response back! thank you

-Michael G. AKA (AstronomyMike)

P.S. I was on a semi-pro BattleField 4 Team on the xbox 360, but it wouldn't allow me to put that above. Im looking for a valorant team to play with


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