Battlefield V


Christopher | 23 ans

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Player Player
Squad Squad
Leader Leader
LAN Player LAN Player
Coach Coach


My ambitions are to play for a team that will help me better myself as a gamer

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Since the time my older cousin introduced me to a Nintendo 64 controller and at the time I didn't know it but the controller wasn't plugged into the console. Now of course I was a child and so I thought I was actually playing but in reality my cousin was playing. Nevertheless I enjoyed myself and it wasn't until he went to school and I decided to play Super Mario Bros and gained the chance to actually play.
Fast foward many years later and I still haven't gave up the love for video games. My dream is to become a professional gamer but in doing so I would like to say that I do not care for money, fame, or any stupid goal that most people would strive for in todays society. With that being said, I simply just want to play video games with people that could better my way of thinking when it comes to gaming and with a team I know I could better my game and enjoy it as a awesome sport. Thank you
P.S / to see my skill or to see what type of gamer I am, I highly recommend checking out the link to my instagram to see my series that I created called KOTE CLIPS
I post all my clips there


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