Call of Duty: Black Ops 4


Jade Johnston | 24 ans

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-Have a respectable League team
-Be recognized as a team people are afraid to play
-Have fun just destroying public lobby's with players as good as we are

Experiences online

  • Call of Duty: Black ops 1, Call of Duty: Black ops 2, Call of Duty: Black ops 3

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Hello there. Me and a buddy of mine are looking for a couple of above average players to create our league team with us. Every game were at the top of the leaderboard (Him->Me->Random->Random->Random->Random) and are definitely wanting 3 more experienced players to come pub stomp, and when league comes out, try to do extremely well in the competitive scene. Couple of Canadian guys, friendly, just looking to have a little more fun destroying black Friday and Christmas noobs :)

Myself, I am a very competitive gamer and am constantly telling myself to get better and better. I am definitely a very team based player. I like to use people like Crash, Recon, Torque, and more. I know my placements to make things easier for my team. I play very well in game modes like Capture the Flag, Hardpoint, and Search and Destroy. Please feel free to E-mail me @ **** to apply, we accept all offers, will take you into a custom game, and see your skills! Happy Playing!


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