Call of Duty: Black Ops 4


Destin | 22 ans

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In all my years, I've watched teams and players going to tournaments and winning them. I've had this dream of going there too since i was little. My parents however are concern that gaming wouldn't do much for you and its a waste of time; I enjoy what i do and I've been keeping up with players such as: Kenny For Counter strike the awp main.

Experiences online

  • Black ops 4
  • Battlefield 3/4/1

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


I am a "Competitive Gamer". I play aggressively and sometimes causally. I play as a support class with support kill streaks and not only does it benefit me but my team that is in need of assistance. ( I mostly play Call of Duty: Black ops 4 on my PC) If relating to the games i play, I play classes like Recon, Crash, and Ajax. These operators are my top 3 during a game in Black ops 4. I do play other games too. Other than gaming, I also do some outdoor activities such as football, soccer, and swimming.
In conclusion, I'm a competitive gamer and outdoor person too. I'm however shy and nervous when meeting new players. Other than that i'm very outgoing funny and supportive.


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