Call of Duty: Black Ops 4


Lias Mick | 22 ans

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My ambitions are to seek help to fully grow and expand my potential in the gaming community. I want to be able to make it to the top and play against the best of the best. I also just really wanna play with a good team, good players and scrimming and playing with them will be a lot of fun and good practice/improvement.

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I wanna be able to join a team for Call Of Duty and right now i’m grinding on BO3 mostly SND with a 3 KD. I want to be able to play in tournaments not just on MLG or UMG i wanna go play in LAN tournaments too and show my skill. I usually only play SND and i can drop 10-20 kills per game but that doesn’t mean i’m bad at other game modes whenever i play Hard point, TDM, or Domination i drop 50+. I’m really trying to get out there and show people what i can do and pub stomping isn’t doing much because you can’t get much recognition on there so i wanna seek for a team that has as much potential if not more than me so we all can grow together and grind to the top.


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