Call of Duty: Cold War


dameon tiller | 21 ans

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My biggest ambitions is to make it into the MLG league. another ambition is to just make it to a semi pro league where i can be scouted by the pro league.

Experiences online

  • UMG gaming

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Call of Duty has always been the only game I play consistently. Over the many different Call of Duty's I have always been a good competitor to anyone. My best Call of Duty was definitely Black Ops 2. back in the day my friend and I were a team of quickscopers that no one can beat. In the most recent Call of Duty my same team is an extra ordinary team with a amazing win/loss ratio. When it comes to my field of play style in a competitive match I am a flex payer depending on the position of my teammates I can be slayer, if I need to play objective I will be an objective. In search and destroy I am one of the best bomb carriers with my plants and defuses ranking me in the top 2% of all cold war players. If you are looking for a flex player i am the man for that position.


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