Call of Duty: Cold War


William Pogue | 20 ans

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I want to start a high level competitive league with cash prizes that would rival the challenger's league for call of duty. Along with that, I want to be fairly competitive in call of duty with my team to not only relate to my community, but also to win some side money from other leagues or potentially compete in challengers league

Experiences online

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I have competitive experience in Black Ops 4, but overall I am fairly new to competitive gaming. I work hard and I own a 32 team league called Venom Amateur league, and I am expanding the league to include EU as well. I have a 3 person team of regular players that I play with, and I am looking for a 4th player. I am starting to get into competitive along with my team, and we are looking for either an experienced player to fill the last spot in the squad or a fairly new competitive player willing to improve with us daily.


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