Call of Duty: Cold War


Haric | 22 ans

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Player Player
Strat caller Strat caller
Coach Coach


Looking to play in online tournaments and hopefully LAN's again. Along with grow with a org/clan in that process.

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


I've played and managed a few teams in the past years, along with made some sponsorship deals for those teams. I also co-owned a team for 2 years before handed off the reigns to someone else.

FPS Games Played Professionally
-BO4, Halo 5, Modern Warfare

Games Coached
- BO4

Looking to be a player right now along with coming in as a solo. Being a hybrid and carry are my main roles but have had experience as a support as well. I have no issues with team comms or placing and can be a good fit anywhere. I have also had experience making different plays or rotations to hold spawns in all of those games. Getting use to control but comfortable and experienced playing hardpoint, domination, and search. I've played through GB's, Battlefy, and some UMG tournaments throughout the past few years. I stream weekly and post consistently on all socials. I've played in a few LANS but were mainly for fortnite and a wide number of online tourneys, scrims, wagers.

Socials all @V1kingDeadShot


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