Call of Duty Mobile


Ethan | 16 ans

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I wish to be on a team that can develop into something good and possibly compete in the 2023 world cup is there is one. I also want to have the chance to compete in smaller tournaments.

Experiences online

  • 2021 Playvs Spring Overwatch League
  • 2021 Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War HSEL Fall Major
  • 2020 Call of Duty Mobile Works Cup Solo Qualifiers

Experiences offline

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I am a 14 yet old sniper currently in Veteran 4, I just got back into the game about a week ago. I peaked at Elite 5 a few years ago back during the first Call of Duty Mobile World Cup where I nearly qualified for round 2 in the solo competition. I usually average about 20-30 kills a game and I can play to back up me teammates in gunfights by heavily damaging it killing opposing enemies. I have a quick reaction time and I can snipe while on the move well. I can also move from target to target quickly when necessary. Must of my kills are multi-kills and I can control a crowd with my sniper. I can play with other guns, but I am not as good. Also, my skill level will increase as I play more.


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