Call of Duty Mobile


Jonah Tennyson | 30 ans

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Player Player
Squad Squad
Coach Coach
Manager Manager


My ambition is honestly to do what I love and get paid for doing it honestly I love playing video games the in’s and outs every aspect even losing because a loss isn’t a loss it’s a lesson

Experiences online

  • I played game battles back in the day for call of duty modern warfare and modern warfare 2 and halo

Experiences offline

  • Everyday I’m figuring ways out to be better at playing the game I have so much knowledge to share amongst teammates


Hello my name is Jonah I go by GinoTheValiant because that’s what I am determined to win , and I haven’t been a pro gamer but I’ve been playing games for years and I would consider myself very skilled and very literate to video game terms , I understand team work makes the dream work even if that means I can’t be the star of the team. But as long as I help contribute to the team’s victory I would be very happy with that just alone I consider myself an ace at shooting games and at sports games. I’m learning and understanding the opponent during gameplay to take away any defence they thought they had and I have great communication skills and I’m an active listener and am very detail oriented.


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Ce joueur n'est plus disponible pour être recruté

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