Call of Duty Mobile


Agent4Twenty Productions | 38 ans

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To be the BEST, of the best, of the best SIR...
(W/Honors) ???

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Looking for a Solid team. For some reason I got knocked down from Master 1 to Pro 2, when the Season Reset.

Which is confusing, because I've transitioned through the last 3 battlepasses without losing Ranked levels, so idk what the deal with that is.

If your focused solely on K/D, you are not paying attention to the right details. You should be looking at MEDALS and Profile Achievements, as well as Previous Match STATS.

On a bad match, I average 7-10 kills... while on a great match, I can get upwards of 30-70 kills. The point of the game is to win, K/D is a flawed system. If I did between each kill, yet still get 30-70 kills in our matches, then it speaks for itself.

We all have bad matches sometimes, but the good ones tend to be just that...VERY good.

I change usernames every two months, I am a very fast paced and extremely competitive player, and I am very
$-Generously-$ invested in PREMIUM items.

I usually invest in B-Pass+, and I am a full-time
Stay at Home Dad, so open communication and activeness is not a problem. However, you may or may not hear my son in the background over open mics.


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