Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2


James | 21 ans

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Player Player


Use the skills I possess, and improve on them.

Experiences online

  • Left 4 Dead 2 / CS:GO / MW2

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Total Hours on MW2 - 13 hours probably.
Total Hours on L4D2/1 - 5k+

Accused of cheating a lot, such as aimbot and wall hacks.
Got skills to prove otherwise, but people can't see.

My playstyle is very different from others, such as (approach / Examine / Execute)
Approach - I take up extremely offensive positions, that would normally get people killed.. not me though.
Examine - If no one shows up where I take pos, then I relay that info to my team so they have a general Idea of their teams location.
Execute - Give me any abilities of knowing where my enemy is, and their as good as dead. / Also, I'm not afraid to make the initiative for an attack.
I can handle 1v6's fair enough, but isn't a likely win.

Finally, I don't communicate with rowdy teammates.. if you overflow the mics with so much sound I can't hear their footsteps, then it's gg.

Wanna see what I can do, setup a lobby.

Note: I am currently shadow banned recently, so I am un-able to play online rn. Will be able to in a week or less. Depending on Activision.


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