Call Of Duty : Modern Warfare 3

SGT Whiskers

Christian | 18 ans

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I’ve always had dreams of going pro but never really had the time with my work being everyday. Hopefully if I ever get the exposure to go pro under a contract I could leave my job and follow my passion of competing in call of duty.

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My names Christian, I’m 18 from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. I’ve been playing COD since I could remember but really got into it competitively about a year ago on MW2 ranked play. I’ve reached Iridescent last year and due to hackers got deranked to crimson 3 which ultimately ended my season due to the never ending losses the hackers gave me. I used to play on my pc on controller then switched to my mouse and keyboard due to having better movement and sniping abilities. I’ve since sold my pc and got a ps5 where I now play M&K almost every day. I’m Currently on my grind back to Iridescent and would love to hop on a team to speed up my progress.


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