Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Aint got one

Tommy | 23 ans

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Manager Manager


To Become a Manager for an E-Sports Organisation and not only help the Organisation grow but help the Team I'm supporting grow as well!!

Experiences online

  • Played Multiple E-Sports Games
  • Been a player for multiple amateur teams

Experiences offline

  • Current Job


My Name is Tommy, I am Looking to support a Organisation and become a manager for one of the teams.

I Really enjoy the E-Sports Scene and at the moment don't have enough time to focus on becoming a pro player so decided to become a manager this way I'm apart of the scene and can focus all of my attention on growing not only the team but the organisation I'm with.

I believe I would suit being a manager as my current job is me being apart of the management team in the UK for a construction company. Therefore giving me a lot of the skills needed to run and look after a large group of people as well as the skills to manage all the aspect that run along side them.


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