Call of Duty: Modern Warfare


Brent Wilkerson | 26 ans

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Brent Wilkerson#71576 icon
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Strat caller Strat caller
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Manager Manager


I'm mostly looking to be a sub or a team guy that helps out in scrims and marches when needed

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With a team I can help with being a flex/AR. I have great map awareness and have countless days playing, my KD may be a laughable 1.05 but once put into a competitive setting I have been known to prosper. I haven't totally figured out SnD but can easily fit a sniper role. Respawn is my strong suit with anchoring points and defending flags. I always play objective and rarely hurry for a kill. I will say my strongest attribute is either map knowledge or recoil control, as for weaknesses I have a terrible headset and a low quality connection so I do tend to experience high ping. I'm mostly looking to join a team for scrimming and getting myself better at the overall game. I just work better under team like conditions


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