Call of Duty: Modern Warfare


Charlie Holtan | 20 ans

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-To work hard
-Be patient
-Be nice
-Try my hardest
-be the best in the lobby whenever I can
-work with others well
-be respectful and loyal

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Call of Duty has been a major part of my childhood and now late teen years. Its always been a great passion of mine. And Its always been that thing I can fall back on when I’m feeling down. It has brought me some of the best relationships I’ve ever had with people I wouldn’t have met if it wasn’t for Cod. Ever since I was a little kid back on mw2 I never dreamt something like playing professionally could ever happen but now that is definitely a possibility. Modern warfare is one of my favorite cods and whenever I hop on I always have a competitive mindset. I mainly play search and destroy as I like the competitive no respawn aspect of it. Search has been my main game mode since modern warfare 2. It’s definitely the game mode I’m best at and am usually at the top of the leaderboard when playing it. I’ve been on a couple of makeshift teams on past call of duties nothing too serious but I am really looking forward to finding a good serious team to play for. I understand that the competition will be much harder than normal lobbies and I have been exposed to a good amount of that with like custom competitive matches. Anyways I am completely ready to tackle being on a team. Thanks so much for reading.


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