Call of Duty: Modern Warfare


Gianni Huerta | 23 ans

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I really want to grow as a Call of Duty player. I feel like I have more potential to get better at this game. I think being in a team can help me with that. Also I would like to make new friends.

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I have been playing Call of Duty since back to World at War. I would say that my aim is pretty good with both assault rifles and sniper rifles. There is times with the sniper rifles that I don't think about the distance and try to figure out where to aim, I just already know where and i'll hit my target. I can keep my composure at times when I need to clutch a scenario. My kd ratio is 1.28, I'm trying to bump that up to a higher ratio. I really have fun with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare even during frustrating times. I feel like I am already a good player and I want to put that to the test.


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