Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Mc DoubleTap

McDoubleTap A | 24 ans

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Player Player
Strat caller Strat caller
Squad Squad
Leader Leader
Shoutcaster Shoutcaster
Coach Coach


My ambition is to get better at the game as a team. Improving my aim and awareness as we play as one. Creating a friend group who are driven and experienced players. Willing to put a lot of time into this game for our team.

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

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I am a well above average player with a 1.58 KD in multiplayer and the same in warzone. I want to join your team because it is well put and seems like everyone that is in the team is helpful and driven to one goal and it is to become better and learn to play as one. I want to start playing somewhat professionally and get a team to start winning tournaments. I have been in gunfight tournaments and won $200 from a few tourneys. I think I am well capable of managing my own weight when it comes to this game. I am not afraid to teach people how to get better and some basics of the game to improve game sense and awareness. I thank you for this opportunity.


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Ce joueur n'est plus disponible pour être recruté

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