Call of Duty: Modern Warfare


Peyton Calmes | 19 ans

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start doing tournaments and have others help me improve in the game and make some money in the tournaments, but most importantly to find a team I would enjoy being a part of every day and work well with.

Experiences online

  • modern warfare and the new battlefield 2042 when it comes out

Experiences offline

  • Working out, school, cars, horses, and other things.


hello, I play Modern Warfare and I play it for about 3-5 hours a day. I am looking for a team that will improve my skills and will help me compete in tournaments and with becoming better in tournaments. during the day I am busy and mostly play at dusk and into the night. mostly during the day I workout and do school that ends every day around 5:00pm and devote a decent amount of time at night and after dinner to gaming. I have a full-on setup and except for a web came but other than that I have a full-on gaming pc. I hope a team that I think will fit me and the players that I with end up playing with so that I will grow and improve in my skills.
when playing MW I play custom games to practice with my other friends that I met on MW playing multiplayer and warzone. I mainly specialize in sniping and long-range attacks and use an assault rifle and an smg and/or shotgun for close range. for my sniper, I use a 50 cal blueprint that I have personally have changed. contact me if you think i will fit.
thanks for reading this:)

My Cod user: oneshot


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