Call of Duty: Modern Warfare


Hunter K | 124 ans

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I am always ready to continue to improve

Experiences online

  • Used to play competitive Dota 2

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


I am an 18plus player from the United States. I have been gaming for as long as I can remember, but have been playing on PC since 2014. In 2014 all I had was a crappy HP-laptop but my friend instantly brought me into the competitive scene with it. After much practice, I began competing on a team in Dota 2 tournaments, mainly playing support or select carrys that were based off my team composition. I love competitive games, and have been grinding games every since.
A few years ago I built my first computer. I put a lot into my setup and it is a high end machine, which has been a dream since I was much younger. Recently I have re-fallen in love with Call of Duty. I have not played COD since MW3, but MW has brought back the light in me. Over the past month or so I have been grinding and trying to get better at the game everyday I play it. Constructive criticism is always welcome, improving at videos games is, in my opinion, the best part about them. My current KD is 1.12.


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