Call of Duty: Modern Warfare


Tyler Hockenberger | 28 ans

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Réputation basée sur 1 vote
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To play COD at a high level with a high caliber team and win and be apart of a great team/organization.

Experiences online

  • Gamebattles COD4
  • Modern Warfare Game Battles

Experiences offline

  • CDL Playlist


Looking for serious competitive team. Played Game Battles on COD4 then life got in the way since then but now I found the time and the passion again to be a top contender. My K/D is 1.37 (I play a lot in the CDL playlist so my K/D isn't as high as it used to be (it was 1.4+)). Very familiar with competitive play and I want to be the best and I'm willing to put it in the time and effort to be the best. I would say I'm more of a Flex role but I can totally fill in as OBJ or Main AR. My goal is to win, I want to be on a team that wants to win just as much as myself. I'm willing to fit what ever role the team needs me to be to be apart of the winning formula. I tend to be a natural leader due to my background through out sports and work. Please contact me if you're interested in me being apart of you winning formula. I also stream on twitch so feel free to contact em for twitch information!


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