Call Of Duty Vanguard


Tayler Laurin | 22 ans

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I'm mainly a PUBS player but I really want to take my game too the next level and learn how to play comp. I've just never had the group of guys to do that with. I'd like to be apart of a team and break open new walls and barriers as a player, but I'd like to do that with the right people

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Hello, My name is Tayler, but my gaming name is ClarifyTL. I'm 20 year old and I'm from upper Michigan. I have been in love with cod ever since B02 (Which was my first cod). Not just cod but the game mode Search and Destroy. I'm really looking for a group of guys who grind the game like I do, friendly, yet competitive and hate losing. I play solo search most the time, and I'm sick of not being able to depend on teammates, so here I am making this account in hopes too find a team/clan that can bring me in and create good bonds with. Give me a chance and I'll give it my best to make it worth your time. Thank you


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