Call of Duty: Warzone


Abbas Baldi | 27 ans

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My very first and the most important ambition is to have some online gaming friends from around the world, and thinking about to turn the gaming side not just for fun, but also as a career for me.

Experiences online

  • Batlefield 4
  • GTA V
  • Fifa
  • Call of duty warzone
  • Rocket League
  • Battlefield 3
  • Call of duty Black ops 3
  • PUBG
  • Need for speed
  • Battlefield Hardline

Experiences offline

  • Fallout 4
  • FIFA
  • Need for speed
  • Ghost recon wildlands
  • PES
  • Resident Evil
  • Call of duty black ops 3
  • GTA V


Hi, My name is Abbas ihsan baldi, i'm 25 years old, i start gaming on PC since 2005, i didn't have in that time an internet connection but that didn't stop me from playing some games like Red Alert 2, Generals, Counter Strike, Some football games i don't even remember her name, but in the most of times i was in love with these games, i upgraded my PC in 2009 and i had a simple Laptop, it was core i5 and he had an Invidia graphics card so it was okay, my first game on that laptop was Call of Duty MW i played it on single player for almost 20 times it get my attention that there are more COD games so i ran to a near Game store to buy any COD games available, so i fell in love with this game, after 5 years staying on the same laptop i decided to get some job and get save some money to have a good gaming PC, i had in that time about 1700$, and i run to buy my sweat pc case with a 60hz screen and a gaming keyboard, mouse and headset, the first game i was ready to try out was Battlefield 4, after one year i become a good player at BF4 in MULTIPLAYER, and i get to know some ppl to becoming my friends, i had a good time with them, we make a clan and we started to have some team vs team and stuff, i moved on in life and in 2016 was a very good year for me i had a good job and i saw it the best way to saving cash and have some online games and upgraded my pc, and that what i did, i make good money from this job and i started to buy some games and i buy some new parts for my pc to upgrade it and so on, in 2018 some of my friends had the chance to go to collage and some of them they suddenly disappeared, i was so sad that no one was able to play with me anymore, so i start to play solo in multiplayer games until i had some family problems, in 2019 i didn't stay in the gaming side, in fact i was upgrading my skills in Graphic Design and Video Editing, i stayed in this year not playing any game other that Fallout 4, fifa, and need for speed, in 2020 was a different parts for me, the first part of it was in the first 4 months i didn't do something new in it, i was in the same case for the same games and the same PC i had, i decided to sell my PC and have a gaming laptop because of my job demand me to do that, i was a graphic designer and my cash was short, the second part where the pandemic of Covid-19 and the lockdown happen, i was stick in my house in these 4 months and i wasn't able to do anything, the last part of the year was very sad for me, i lost my mom because of the Covid-19 and after that with 5 weeks my dad passed out for the same thing, i was unable to think about anything at that time, i didn't have a good year and all of it was not good for me, in 2021 i got married from my beloved wife after 7 years of a beautiful relationship, we finally did it, we moved after 5 months from our marriage from iraq to turkey and we decided to stay, the very first best news i get in 2022 was that my wife got pregnant, i didn't believe that i will be a dad, but i think god every day for it, in this month i decided to comeback with gaming and i was able to download COD Warzone on my PC from 3 days ago and now my rank is 29 in the game, feels good to have this rank, and all of this and i was able to do some streaming on Facebook, Twitch, and YouTube to have a good time with some friends and make my gaming experience as a career for me, i'm a gaming lover since i was a little boy and i will always stay like this.


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