Call of Duty: Warzone


David Parent | 32 ans

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Becoming a main stream video game streamer and start competing competitively.
All about my Recovery and would love to share my experience, strength and hope to other's and todays younger generation that it is possible to achieve as long as you put the work in to it

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I am In Recovery from Addiction of 16 years. I just turned 30 and I have 2 children a boy and girl, my son is 14 and my daughter is 11. I am employed at Amazon. I'm very Respectful and care about other's and there feelings. I have recently just started streaming and would love to continue to do so to be able to build a viewer base to try and make that my full time career. I have always been a gamer at heart. I just recently got engaged and am working on getting my own home and having another child that I can raise with my fiancé that i was not able to do with my first two children due to me being in addiction but today my son is back into my life full time.


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