Call of Duty: Warzone


Bryce Hoeppner | 24 ans

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I have a strong desire to be somewhere someday with streaming and gaming. I will offer max effort and loyalty. I will not say I will come to work hard because I will do more than hard work. I am dedicated and ready to be dedicated to a team. I am ready to show up and WIN with my team!

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Hi, I am Bryce Hoeppner better known as Hollywoodgamin. I am a content creator or a skills player! According to I am amongst the top 3.7% of players! I am a very dedicated loyal person. If you ask anyone about me they would be able to tell you I am loyal and hardworking. Gaming has been a big part of my life for years. Growing up I was never allowed to game I was only allowed to watch. Once I pursued college I took on my dream of trying to join a team. I have been part of a team my whole life whether that was sports or academics but never a gaming team. I stream almost every single day for about 20+ hours a week. I am ready to show you what I can bring to the table and what positives I can bring to your team. Joining a team is a very huge goal for me so expect maximum effort. I play various games from the PC to PS4. I stream no set game as of now but I am able to stream various games such as Warzone, Valorant, Fortnite, Spellbreak, and Apex Legends. I am also sponsored by Gamer Grind Co which is a coffee company and I do have merchandise being released on their website! I am the type of person that enjoys meeting new people. I love how online gaming can bring so many friendships and great times. I want to show online gaming to the world


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