Call of Duty: Warzone


Yves Rideau | 29 ans

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Find great teammates that really want to compete. Play in a pro tournament and win. Win a few 10-75k tournaments. Make some noise in the Warzone community.

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So I've been playing warzone for maybe a 2 years now before that it was all multiplayer. I can't say i was ever really good at them because I didn't take it as serious as i do now. I consider myself above average. My kd doesnt really give me a lot of justice but January 2021 i decided to take Rebirth Island serious . At the time I had a .82 kd in rebirth with maybe 10-15 wins. On the Rebirth listing in game I have a 1.3 with 800+ wins. I've done a few Zleague tournaments. i definitely want to start streaming. i have a few videos to view on youtube and more unlisted for anyone who wants to see. My pr without video proof is 24( i lost the vid smh ) my pr on Rebirth Island Quads is 22 with a video and thats on my youtube account (YT iTsR3ADYR3DD). Ive really been looking for a team that wants to chase tournaments and actually wanna get better instead of giving up when the lobby algorithm changes. If you feel like i sound like a good shooter hit me up. You can comment on my yt videos too and my instagram name is my youtube name as well my cod tracker account which has never been accurate. Anyways hit me. Im available.


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