Call of Duty: Warzone


Jordan wallace | 25 ans

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Player Player
Strat caller Strat caller
Movie maker Movie maker
Leader Leader
Community Manager Community Manager
Staff Staff
Coach Coach
Manager Manager
Editor Editor


To help a team become the very best and to grow together as a whole. I've worked with many communities and clans for 8 years and have a very good understanding of what they need and how to properly organize one.

Experiences online

  • leader
  • media team
  • therapist
  • Coach
  • manager

Experiences offline

  • I've managed teams in retail and workshops


Hello there, I'm here looking for a team that needs or wants another player or a manager, coach, staff, and editor. I've been in clans and communities running them as they should. I've been able to work from the bottom and work my way up through 7 different clans on two different platforms. Each one I've left due to giving it up to a trusted individual and I'm looking to go pro with my skills and knowledge. I've also trainer members to become better no matter their skill set making them able to fend for themselves and grow. I hope you give me a chance to show what I have to bring to the table.


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Ce joueur n'est plus disponible pour être recruté

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