Call of Duty: Warzone


leo | 15 ans

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I hope to achieve being a big streamer and Influencer and be a pro player I love playing warzone and I love watching people play in scrims I have know other friends or players who would also like to play in scrims so if there was people who I could play with I would love that.

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Hi my name is July real name Leo silverman in am a 12 year old gamer that would love to join a team I am very skilled at cod I have been playing war zone since it has came out and I watch people at take notes every day I would love to join a team and participate in scrims I think it would be good for a org to have me because i am a young Prodigy and I think that would be good to inspire other kids my age to start playing video games I would love to be on a team. please get back I would love to join a team an be a pro player.


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