Call of Duty: Warzone


Rilan | 28 ans

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Player Player
Strat caller Strat caller
Squad Squad
Leader Leader
Community Manager Community Manager


• Reaching an average 2.0+ k/d
• More Warzone Wins
• Finding a Well Established Community of Passionate Players
• Meeting New Friends and Creating New Relationships

Experiences online

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I’m an American living in Europe. I play the Warzone just about everyday. I average about à 1.04 k/d on Battle Royal and about a 1.34 k/d on Rebirth Island. "Strategic" is my main play type but I can push and get "sweaty" when I need too. I’m a great team leader when it comes to making calls and decisions. I’m great at staying with my team. I understand every aspect and all of the mechanics of the game. I have 393 hours invested into Warzone at the time of this post. About 17 BR wins and 35 RBI wins. I’m looking for an organization/team to join. I enjoy communicating with others outside of the game. I love seeing and posting news, events, etc. I have a strong love and passion for the game and want to join a community that feels the same.


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