Call of Duty: Warzone

The number one

liam thibadeau | 28 ans

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I want to show my skills to some esports teams hopefully someone can see the diamond in the ruff and truly show me what it takes to become a great player and hopefully win some tournaments along the way!

I want to learn from the best because I know I’m not a pro yet but I am definitely no amateurs

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Hello my name is Liam Thibadeau and I have been gaming since I was 12 never ever actually expected that easports would be a thing in fact my entire life I was told video games will never make me amount to much and I believe them but now that I have all the free time in the world because of the global economy and I’ll have the time to fully give my attention to an esports team become better as the member of the squad.
I make great call outs and do play well with others though my biggest peeve is when there’s to many leaders in the group I will follow people but only to the point where I know there’s a better way


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