Call of Duty: World War II


Tristan Verschueren | 26 ans

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I wish to become a professional call of duty/esports player, I want to one day, most likely a few years from now be able to walk up to that cwl stage, sit in front of a banner displaying me, and play with some of the best players in the world. winning is my goal, but working with my team and being in the events is my passion, and I strive for that goal every day, at least 40 hours a week.

Experiences online

  • MLG gamebattles
  • ww2 ranked play
  • worked with team management and constant cod watching and experiments

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences



My name is Tristan Verschueren, i've been practicing to try to go professional for about 8 months now. I main ar but can flex as both a sniper (mainly for uss texas snd) and as a sub should need arise. I am 20 years old and currently work full time to pay off bills, have been going to cod champs a couple times this year and twitch viewing everything else. I know pretty much every call out on all of the pro rotations, and I am a fast learner when new calls are made. I have dipped my hand in some mlg circuits so far this year but mainly to practice my aim and get better at working with a team. I have a lot to improve on but feel pretty strongly in my ability to adapt with a team and work with them to reach the stars. for a bit of a mental picture I am 5'11, dark brown hair, caucasian, and wiegh roughly 170 IB.


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