COD : Black Ops 2

Looking for great team

Jaden | 27 ans

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Player Player
Strat caller Strat caller
Movie maker Movie maker
Community Manager Community Manager


I want to join a great team that I can help reach the pro scene. I love playing with a team, i feel much more efficient and successful when I do.

Experiences online

  • BO2 and MW3 veteran

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


I can call strats and predict quite well what the other team will do. I have at least a 1.0 KD in 5 different game modes in black ops 2. Map awareness and objective play are my strong suits. I am online every other day and constantly strive to be better in any way I can. I have also reset twice from prestige master and now currently on my 3rd fresh start on Black Ops 2. I own the Revolution DLC and several camos as well.
It is easiest to contact me through the below resources:
Gmail- ****
xbox live- GrayFante
Instagram- ITS20ONJ

thanks, and I look forward to play with you!


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