Counter-Strike 2

Challenge Coin

Emmanuel Manalang | 29 ans

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ELO : 1,000-4,999
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Seeking to become a professional in any FPS game I play, acting like a pro and having skills of a pro.

Experiences online

  • Online Competitive CS:GO since 2010
  • Online Competitive AL since 2020

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Playing competitively since 2010 starting on CS:GO, my highest rank was MGE on CS:GO, I have been playing FPS games since I was 12.
The highest rank on Apex Legends I achieved is Gold 4 (since the Season 8 split) with and without a proper team (just random players).
New to the Battle Royal genre.
A quiet player until shtf in-game then I start talking.
Does relatively well with stress.
Have been taught by a few Pred. level players to advance my Apex Legend skills.
I take FPS games seriously (not very seriously).
Bloodhound, Bangalore, Gibraltar main.
Sponsoring my own team Strategic Era, unfortunately it's a low pay grade if you are accepted.

Lifetime wins 60 (as of 8/11/2021)
K/DR 0.60 (as of 8/11/2021)

My philosophy in gaming is "treat everything you do like a job" this is a way for individuals who pursue their future and current careers to be accepted in anything they pursue.


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