Counter-Strike 2

Efruskil or CJ

Hannes | 26 ans

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My ambitions are to find a team that is willing to work together to become better at the game while still having fun.

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Im a 16 (17 in a month) year old Swedish guy from Jönköping.

I have a strong passion for Counter- Strike and I have always loved gaming even though I mostly play CS GO, when im not gaming I like to work out and ride my motorcycle.

I am a guy that is always willing to get better and try new things to improve, i often have an positive attitude and I dont flame often. I can get a bit mad when I am soloqueing and im getting a team that is trolling etc. In matchmaking I am currently mg2-mge but i think I am a bit low rank for my skill, I love to play face-it, cevo and sometimes esea and i would love to start playing cups. thank you


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